Included for Talking Space Plus - see Home page
1 Introduction - Christmas Day 2020
- It was a pleasant family occasion ruined for me by your selfish invasion of your mother-in-law - MiL - 's and my private life.
- Towards its end, MiL told everyone that she woke to carols and how pleasing it was.
- You immediately announced that the action I took to give her an Xmas morning surprise was based on brownie points - BPs.
- This is not the first time I have been highly embarrassed by you and this time I made comment.
- Almost under my breath I replied that what you said was not the case. At the cost of embarrassing all assembled I was forced to stop.
- However, you added insult to injury by continuing.
- I moved to end the party.
- I know for sure that MiL was also embarrassed and she referred to it on Boxing Day evening in the context of me doing nothing. A prime reason for confidentiality.
2 Interruption
- Around 18 months ago J and you came round. MiL and I were in the room. I said abso nothing, much to MiL's chagrin after. A few weeks before, 'your full family' (including boyfriends) were in the sunshine. Your repeatedly interrupted me whenever I opened my mouth.
- On other occasions, J found it necessary to tell you not to interrupt her.
3 Centre of attention
- One theme of this confidential interaction* is that you need to be the centre of attention.
- This aspect of your behaviour is the main concern. It leaves me guarded when you are around.
- If your interest in being a guru means being the centre of attention then open your mind.
- Otherwise, if you find that you must be such in the presence of your family, please advise us and we won't come anymore.
- However, that won't happen because MiL doesn't understand the BP concept and will be mystified as to why we don't visit you.
* One-way at present.
4 The Bully
- At its simplest the definition the bully is one who puts another at a disadvantage.
- Clearly, I was the latter. If you repeat your negativity towards me in the social situation I will have no choice but to put the boot on the other foot.
- You will be the one disadvantaged.
- On confrontation, the bully is a coward. Think about it.