2 June   Unpublished Telegraph letter.

  1 June - item 4 here

31 May

  1. This website makes the most of a Telegraph letter from a patient at the surgery who has attended a patient participation group (PPG) meeting. 
  2. However, I received a text saying that the surgery has a much improved appointment system which starts on 4 June.
  3. It would never admit that I played a part in that decision.  
  4. The letter is here.
  5. After 18 May, I decided the fight was over.  Pointless one person trying to influence a megalith which has lost  its speech.  The letter revived me.
  6. If the website takes off thanks to the Telegraph (letter sent today), there's a pile of its letters etc to post to it.
  7. My favourite letter so far is   -   "You're more likely to meet Lord Lucan riding Shergar than get an appointment." - 13 May. 

18 May

  1. Hancock's Half-hour  -  Telegraph 18 May 2021 - here
  2. Telegraph letters 18 May here
  3. Who is next on the list for Covid vaccines - and 
  4. how will I be invited to book an appointment? here

17 May

  1. Letters: Doctors under pressure are well aware that general practice is broken here
  2. We're so petrified of privatisation, we can't see that our GP service needs an overhaul here

16 May


  1. Sunday Telegraph letters here.  
  2. Letters: Seeing a GP? There's a two-week wait for a phone appointment, if the receptionist allows.  Plus many more here.
  3.  Push for one million vaccinations a day to save summer here.
  4. The Government's goal must be one million doses a day here.
  5. Who is next on the list for Covid vaccines - and how will I be invited to book an appointment? here.
  6. BBC - Newspaper headlines: PM 'must think again' on rules, and 1m jabs 'push' here.


  1.  When the surgery has made considerable progress towards normality, Telegraph and similar pages  and other pages will remind patients at the surgery of all the 0830 telephone scrums and trying to make an appointment with GPs who work three days at most per week.
  2. 13 May. From today, only ultra-noteworthy items will be posted via the repeat medication system. 
  3.  It is hoped that the Indian variant will not be used as a means of hanging on to the status quo.

    4     As long as the GP scandal exists nationally, articles and                 letters will be posted to this website.  

15 May

  1. Boris Johnson: Indian variant poses real risk of disruption to our plans - here - front page.
  2. Seeing a GP? There's a two-week wait for a phone appointment, if the receptionist allows and other letters here.
  3. Covid lockdown roadmap: the rules that are changing from May 17 here.

14 May

  1.  NHS Volte face
  2. Threat: India Covid  more

13 May

1   "You're more likely to meet Lord Lucan riding Shergar than get an appointment 

       to see a GP."   GPs hiding  Item 11



   2.   From today, only ultra-noteworthy items will be posted via the repeat medication system.

11 May

  1. The latest on care navigators here.
  2. The Telegraph letters and other pages connected to the GP Scandal now reside under that main heading.   
  3. Mr F is referred to on several pages and he telephoned me using that name.  However, when patients read the Clinicians page he is listed as Mr O.  

10 May

  1. Online booking 
  2. Plenty of space

9 May

 Trying to see a GP

7 May

  1.  Patients unable to see their GPs face to face can find that their illness has been misdiagnosed here.

  2.  Item 2.4   Why the disparity between France and the UK? AND THIS SURGERY?  here
  3. Item 3.2   However, appointments continue to be conducted in person [[[[ ? ]]]] , and patients who need to see a doctor face to face should always be given this option. here
  4. The surgery services could be enhanced by announcing publicly that patients can now see their GPs. Item 3.2 here.  Dr Nikki Kanani   Medical Director of Primary Care NHS England 


6 May

Telegraph Opinion  Find it under GP Scandal.

5 May

  1. GP Scandal
  2. Telephone overload
  3. Hypothetical physio appointment


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