telegraph unpub


Telegraph letter

31 May before despatch

Not published on 2 June.

Dear Letters team

If you have a policy of excluding URLs and email info, Item 1 is for you (and me).

Urls and email info follow if you do have such policy.

Can't find the date of F Hill's letter and have looked in the bin. I'm 80 in the shade.

1 Ends with No Pablo español

SIR- Mr Hill (Telegraph letters ... May 2021) hits the vaccination syringe on the plunger where he says "I attended a patient participation group meeting at the largest practice in our area, where I was told there can be a three-week wait even for a phone appointment. Increasingly practices are being centralised - but bigger is clearly not better." His topic is the Chipping Norton Health Centre. However, I received a text saying that the surgery has taken its head out of the bucket and a much improved appointment system starts on 4 June. For those without mobile phones there is no obvious link to the system and the website offers no update page. The patient participation group has a Facebook page half in Spanish. The Hon Sec doesn't answer my emails. No Pablo español.

Prof Alan Harrison (retd 2000)

Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire.

2 Ends with URL

SIR- Mr Hill (Telegraph letters ... May 2021) hits the vaccination syringe on the plunger where he says "I attended a patient participation group meeting at the largest practice in our area, where I was told there can be a three-week wait even for a phone appointment. Increasingly practices are being centralised - but bigger is clearly not better." His topic is the Chipping Norton Health Centre. However, I received a text saying that the surgery has taken its head out of the bucket and a much improved appointment system starts on 4 June. For those without mobile phones there is no obvious link to the system and the website offers no update page. The patient participation group has a Facebook page half in Spanish. The Hon Sec doesn't answer my emails. No hablo español. The whole story of my bombarding the surgery with dozens of Telegraph letters and articles can be read via

Prof Alan Harrison (retd 2000)

Chipping Norton Oxfordshire.

3 Ends with email

SIR- Mr Hill (Telegraph letters ... May 2021) hits the vaccination syringe on the plunger where he says "I attended a patient participation group meeting at the largest practice in our area, where I was told there can be a three-week wait even for a phone appointment. Increasingly practices are being centralised - but bigger is clearly not better." His topic is the Chipping Norton Health Centre. However, I received a text saying that the surgery has taken its head out of the bucket and a much improved appointment system starts on 4 June. For those without mobile phones there is no obvious link to the system and the website offers no update page. The patient participation group has a Facebook page half in Spanish. No hablo español. The Hon Sec doesn't answer my emails. The whole story of my bombarding the surgery with dozens of Telegraph letters and articles can be obtained from

Prof Alan Harrison (retd 2000)

Chipping Norton Oxfordshire.

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