Telegraph 15 April
- The article by Dr James Le Fanu on bad GPs finding Covid a boon (Health, April 12) reminded me of the wife of a friend of mine who sadly died in his early 90s last year.
- Much closer to 100 than him, she rang her GP asking for a visit. She was told by the receptionist that the doctor could not visit. It was difficult because of Covid.
- She exploded, and told the receptionist that at the time of the Blitz she had been a senior surgical sister in theatre at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham, where they had continued to operate with bombs falling around them. "Don't tell me that Covid makes a visit difficult" - and with that she put the phone down. Twenty minutes later the doctor came.
His Honour Ian Morris
Sunbury-on-Thames, Surrey
- Dr Le Fanu has hit the nail on the head. My GP practice informed my 23-year-old son six months ago when presented with a blocked ear canal that syringing of ears was no longer performed at the surgery as it was an aerosol- generating procedure (AGP).
- However, he was then told that if he felt the procedure was necessary he could visit his local Specsavers and for a fee they would do it for him.
- As a consultant anaesthetist with much experience of AGPs in the last year, I found this hard to understand. This procedure has never been on Public Health England's list of AGPs.
- It rather confirmed that some of my colleagues are keen to work and others less so.
Dr Alistair Brookes
Rugby, Warwickshire