Shame upon me

7 May

  1. When Mr F telephoned me I realised that the surgery is on the case.  He hadn't even seen this website. 
  2. I have made some changes/updates to the website and there are more to make.
  3. More to the point, change is my next target. Citalopram is down from 20mg/24 to 10mg due to review
  4. In the meantime, therefore, I must take care to keep on an even keel.
  5. My partner and her family were shocked when I sent this and this . 
  6. Most of the time writing I'm aware that it must stop but I plough on OCDly.
  7. Taking Space Plus phoned on 6 May but I doubt if it will take me on.  I made it plain that telephoning is not for me but it mainly uses it.
  8. Apologies are due all round the surgery.
  9. The surgery services could be enhanced by announcing publicly that patients can now see their GPs.


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