Fake physio appointment 

   Update Tuesday 1 June - item 4.


It did not happen

  1. Received text a day ago - 1000 at the surgery.
  2. Came on time and told to wait.
  3. 1015 "What's happening?"
  4. "Just wait."
  5. 1030
  6. Phone call.
  7. "Tell me about your problem."
  8. Knee etc
  9. Vague answer involving an appointment one day.
  10. "Phone calls are awkward for me.  I'd rather come up and see you."
  11. "I'm in Oxford."
  12. Controlled and silent exasperation.
  13. "We'll be in touch." she said.


14. A letter arrived on 8 May saying the appointment is being reviewed. ???????


  1. I wanted to ask the receptionist [Care Navigators - CNs - are not my style] to arrange for me to see the Practice Manager - PM.
  2. She was [[[ proxy]]] The PM is a senior GP]]]  dealing with an irate patient who included her considered opinion that the receptionist [sic] * is on her own with no telephone to call 999 if anyone turned up with a knife etc.
  3. Finally spoke to the proxy PM who said there was a problem within the system.
  4. If there were known problems, why continue to send texts confirming appointments?
  5. I travelled nine miles each way only to waste my time and that of surgery staff.
  6. It's time for me to be on the PPG.
  7. * Someone else who might wonder about CNs.


During the 30 minutes I was there a maximum of six patients turned up for appointments.  More at 2.4 here.  

Pre-Covid, it was near standing room only.  Patients could turn up without 0830 scrum or ceremony.


Update Tuesday 1 June

Text came a few days before saying that an appointment has been arranged for 1000.  No indication of purpose.  Assumed it was for physio but turned out to be a blood test.


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