Fake physio appointment
Update Tuesday 1 June - item 4.
It did not happen
- Received text a day ago - 1000 at the surgery.
- Came on time and told to wait.
- 1015 "What's happening?"
- "Just wait."
- 1030
- Phone call.
- "Tell me about your problem."
- Knee etc
- Vague answer involving an appointment one day.
- "Phone calls are awkward for me. I'd rather come up and see you."
- "I'm in Oxford."
- Controlled and silent exasperation.
- "We'll be in touch." she said.
14. A letter arrived on 8 May saying the appointment is being reviewed. ???????
- I wanted to ask the receptionist [Care Navigators - CNs - are not my style] to arrange for me to see the Practice Manager - PM.
- She was [[[ proxy]]] The PM is a senior GP]]] dealing with an irate patient who included her considered opinion that the receptionist [sic] * is on her own with no telephone to call 999 if anyone turned up with a knife etc.
- Finally spoke to the proxy PM who said there was a problem within the system.
- If there were known problems, why continue to send texts confirming appointments?
- I travelled nine miles each way only to waste my time and that of surgery staff.
- It's time for me to be on the PPG.
- * Someone else who might wonder about CNs.
During the 30 minutes I was there a maximum of six patients turned up for appointments. More at 2.4 here.
Pre-Covid, it was near standing room only. Patients could turn up without 0830 scrum or ceremony.
Update Tuesday 1 June
Text came a few days before saying that an appointment has been arranged for 1000. No indication of purpose. Assumed it was for physio but turned out to be a blood test.