Original Home page

  1. It is hoped that Talking Space Plus is reading the website and that it will take me on.
  2. This website has been created to allow for a link for more text to be added on the medication request page and other pages than permitted.
  3. Wherever it is used, it serves as my record of what and when posts to the surgery website have been made.
  4. This website includes pages that will be opened according to later need.
  5. I am one step up from OCD. The most recent GP who was MH lead on the then county CQC apologised in 2017 for not diagnosing autism earlier.
  6. Please do not inform me that the surgery has a system for asking a doctor a question. That would be ridiculous in this situation. I would just insert a link. Besides, more than half the surgery staff will see this website. At least only [?] pharmacists will see this site when I use the repeat medication system. I would prefer that junior staff do not see it, please.
  7. Please allow for patients who are different.
  8. Every effort has been made regarding surgery anonymity if anyone happens to find this website.
  9. Thanks are given for any attention given to this idiosyncratic website.
  10. Dear GP - Is it safe taking 30mg/24 Citalopram and 60mg /24 North Star Omeprazole?
  11. Update here.
  12. More at Item 2 here.


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