Original Home page
04 05 2021 0515
Realised that this page with 4, 5 and 8 would raise hackles.
- This website has been created to allow for more text to be added on the medication request page and other pages than permitted.
- Wherever it is used, it serves a as record of what and when posts to the surgery website have been made. Mostly, that is impossible within the surgery system.
- This website includes pages that will be opened according to later need.
- Let it be known that I want to see my GP. She has arranged physio but I was unable to explain that there are other topics I need to discuss face to face. Not including DIY. I have a little? list.
- A page on the telephone system waits patiently for release.
- I am one step up from OCD. The most recent GP who was MH lead on the county CQC apologised for not diagnosing autism earlier.
- Patients not seeing GPs in lockdown here More Sign in BBC BMA
- Perhaps this website arises as a result of lockdown. In a previous note via the surgery website I said that it's no wonder people are furious. They want to see their GPs. A letter to me from the Admin Manager states that Telephone/video consultations have, in many cases, replaced a face-to-face appointment. Hmmm - as if patients don't know that. Another page -see 5 - waits for release.
- Please do not inform me that the surgery has a system for asking a doctor a question. That would be ridiculous in this situation. Besides, > half the surgery staff will see this website. At least only [?] pharmacists will see this site when I use the repeat medication system.
- Allow for patients who are different.
- Every effort has been made regarding surgery anonymity if anyone happens to find this website.