1    Acid reflux

2   WHY was it changed and by whom?   The above type is what was required.

3   Advice sought 


1  Acid reflux 

AR        Advice sought at foot of page.

  1. There has been a lot of text flowing into the pharmacy recently. 
  2. I have used Omeprazole  (0)  of various brands for at least two years.
  3. During lockdown and with no access to a GP,  I have conducted experiments aimed at reducing  AR.
  4. Left to their own desperate devices, patients have been dumped during lockdown and GPs continue with telephone sessions.  more
  5. Over the last two months I have been using the North Star brand with success. 
  6. It has been a tug of war with pharmacists to obtain it.

2  Why was it changed and by whom? 

Omeprazole 20mg gastro-resistant capsules

Last issued: 19 Apr 2021

Quantity: 28 capsule

Duration: 28 days

Next issue: 18 May 2021

One To Be Taken Each Day (Northstar brand if possible)


What a tug of war it has been!  Before that date it was a brand which did not work at all.

Thank you for changing to North Star.

3  Advice sought 

  1. I take three capsules before bed.  Is that too many?
  2. More important questions at 2.5 here.


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