Joy's needless death should be a cautionary tale for GPs still hiding from patients

 ALLISON PEARSON   Telegraph 11 May 2021  

  1. Every so often, I write a column that really hits a nerve. Last week, my inbox practically burst its banks, so flooded was it with readers' tears. Several thousand ouches of recognition and bellows of frustration came from those who reacted angrily to the story of Joy Stokes, beloved wife, mother and grandmother, buried just a fortnight ago, a casualty of the NHS's transition to telemedicine.
  2. For four months last year, the 69-year-old was fobbed off by GPs at her surgery. Without bothering to see her, they told Joy, variously, that the excruciating pain in her leg and hip was arthritis, that she should self-refer to a physio, that, dearie me, no, she could not have a scan, even when said physio emailed the surgery to say that Mrs Stokes must have an X-ray. 
  3. Most unforgivably of all, after numerous frantic phone calls, the woman who had breast cancer back in 2006 was told that her case was not an emergency. This last observation, courtesy of Dr Receptionist, came when Joy, a former PE teacher, keen golfer and "fighter", was in such agony she could no longer walk.
  4. In January, when Nick Stokes finally got his wife an actual, non-virtual appointment by turning up on the doorstep and demanding painkillers, the GP admitted he was shocked by the deterioration in Joy's appearance. "Well, you should have seen her before, shouldn't you?" snapped mild-mannered Nick. 
  5. In an interview for this week's Planet Normal podcast, which you can listen to using the audio player above, Nick Stokes says that the lovely, caring oncology nurse at the hospital told him that his wife's cancer would definitely have been "controllable" if only she'd got there earlier.
  6. Tragically, as your torrent of emails revealed, Joy is far from unique. Too many cancers, and other serious conditions, have gone undiagnosed as many GPs worked from home or barred patients from their Fort Knox surgeries. Jean wrote to me about her 64-year-old son. "Five months of unbearable pain, unable to walk, triage by bolshie receptionist, who has made multiple serious mistakes with his prescriptions, finally allowed an MRI scan which showed a fractured hip and spine due to advanced prostate cancer." 
  7. Jean's boy is now at home awaiting treatment. "What a disgrace this is?" his mother wrote. "So many doctors seem to prefer technology rather than actually dealing with a living human being.
  8. This is the crux of the matter. Today, contactless is a form of payment, tomorrow it could be a way of life (and death). In 2019, the NHS Long Term Plan said that "in 10 years' time, we expect the model of care to look markedly different. 
  9. The NHS will offer a 'digital-first' option for most, allowing for longer and richer face-to-face consultations where patients want or need it". 
  10. Try telling that to the 84-year-old reader who was instructed to take a photo of the moles on her back. When she protested that she couldn't, the receptionist told her to "do a selfie in a mirror".
  11. As for those "richer and longer face-to-face consultations" the new digital triage would make time for, I tend to agree with John: "You're more likely to meet Lord Lucan riding Shergar than get an appointment to see a GP." With no apparent irony, that NHS Plan also commits the service to dramatically improving the UK's woeful cancer survival rates by 2028, "partly by increasing the number of cancers diagnosed early from a half to three-quarters". 
  12. How the hell is that target going to be hit if GP consultations are on Zoom, symptoms go unspotted and patients like Joy Stokes aren't physically examined?
  13. According to Macmillan Cancer Support, up to 50,000 people are walking around today with cancer which has not been diagnosed during lockdown. Perhaps, like Anthony, another reader, they were advised to do an eConsult, they listed their symptoms, they were told to make an appointment to see the doctor, they tried to book the appointment and were told to... do an eConsult. And gave up. "Joseph 'Catch-22' Heller would have been impressed by this no-win system," says Anthony.
  14. Macmillan Cancer Care predicts that horrifying cancer figure could double to 100,000 by October if services are not fully restored. Yet, even now, when Covid deaths have tumbled to single figures and you have more chance of getting a bear hug from Prof Chris Whitty in a pub than of catching the virus,
  15. many GPs have still failed to open their doors. 
  16. The level of official denial about this scandalous situation beggars belief. In a jaw-dropping letter to The Telegraph last week, Dr Nikki Kanani, medical director of primary care at NHS England, claimed that "GP appointments have been available throughout the pandemic. 
  17. Appointments continued to be conducted in person." Dr Kanani added that "video consultations [...] allow a clinician to triage a patient to the right service". Furthermore, "the majority of people reported receiving appropriate care and more people than not said they would be happy with future consultations taking place remotely".
  18. I'm pleased to say that Dr Kanani's letter was greeted with the raspberry-blowing incredulity it deserved. My informal poll of thousands of Telegraph readers reveals that, by and large, their appointments are not conducted in person. It is the devil's own job to get a clinician to triage you to the right service. And more people than not are thoroughly hacked off with having to pay to go private (if they can afford it) because the virtual GP service doesn't remotely meet the standard of healthcare they expect and deserve.
  19. Funny how dentists, physios and pharmacists continued to see patients throughout the pandemic, isn't it? But, hey, they had a living to earn. GPs went on claiming their per-capita allowance regardless of whether the capitas, who pay their generous salaries through taxation, were allowed in the surgery. 
  20. As many of you sourly observed, GPs seem to feel safe enough to vaccinate people in person when there is the incentive of £12-per-arm-jabbed.
  21. In fairness, I should say that plenty of people wrote to praise individual GPs and practices which endeavoured to provide high-quality care during lockdown. Kim in Wales found telephone appointments worked well. She managed to be referred to hospital consultants and saw "my fabulous GP face-to-face".
  22. Helen, a GP in Lancashire, was upset that I painted such a negative picture. She and her colleagues have seen patients face-to-face every single day since last March. Two tents fill the staff car park so normal work can continue alongside vaccinations: "We never refuse to see anyone."
  23. It was a heart-warming story of medicine as it should be. Sadly, it seems to be very far from the norm. I was amazed how many embarrassed doctors got in touch. "I know from decades of work that you can't properly care for or diagnose or treat patients over the phone," said Anne. "It certainly isn't best for 80 per cent of consultations. How the GPs can NOT see patients is terrible. I have had to diagnose so many people recently and it's been the old-fashioned way of actually seeing them! The doctors can't just hide behind the 'rules' when people are desperate."
  24. "I am ashamed, shocked and saddened by the behaviour of so very many of my colleagues," said Ivan, a GP of 40 years' experience. "Trouble is that this behaviour has been sanctioned and encouraged by our medical leaders so it is all OK."
  25. Is it? In a speech on lessons the NHS can learn from the pandemic, Matt Hancock, Health Secretary, said that all GP appointments "should be done remotely by default, unless a patient needs to be seen in person". However, there are signs that medics themselves are uneasy about accounts which link missed cases of deadly conditions with a lack of hands-on diagnosis.
  26. Prof Martin Marshall, Chair of the Royal College of General Practitioners Council, warned last week that family doctors "must not default to telemedicine in the post-pandemic world". The "unintended consequences" should be evaluated. "The use of remote consultations during the pandemic was necessary to protect staff and patients," Prof Marshall said, "However, once safe, it is time to shift back to face-to-face appointments. Currently there are not enough face-to-face appointments, and this is dangerous."
  27. I guess Joy Stokes is one of those "unintended consequences" of remote consultations. When she was dying, the cancer spreading through her like a forest fire, a senior GP at the practice paid a house call to the Stokes and apologised for failing them. Did Joy wish to make a formal complaint? She did not. Instead, she asked the doctor to use her as a cautionary tale to make sure that GPs never refused to see a patient again.
  28. I'm still reeling from all your stories. It strikes me that they are about much more than individual pain and dismay, important though those things are. It's about what kind of society we want to be. Banks have already disappeared into a maddening maze of Your Call is Important to Us. You can hang on a line for 40 minutes and never hear a human voice. The bobby on the beat, a reassuring feature of national life when I was a child, is now more mythical than the unicorn. No doubt, just like telemedicine, putting more distance between the police and the public was seen as an efficiency measure in its day. Result: a less safe country where, if you want a burglary solved, better do it yourself.
  29. We are about to make the same mistake with GPs. Policymakers who think remote consultation is a substitute for a healing touch don't reflect how people feel. Feelings matter. We need more humanity, not less. In five years, when some adorable toddler dies of a curable disease because the one- and two-years-old hands-on baby checks were replaced by a parent filling in an online form, there will be a public outcry. Let that public outcry be now.
  30. Yesterday, Nick Stokes told me that their golden retriever is still searching the house for her mum. Neither of them can believe that Joy is gone. How much clearer do the unintended consequences of GPs not seeing patients need to be? Is distanced, digital triage safe? Not remotely.
  31. Have you struggled to book a GP appointment? We want to hear from you. Share your story.

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