- https://surgery1.webnode.co.uk/links/
- https://surgery1.webnode.co.uk/omeprazole/
- https://surgery1.webnode.co.uk/docusate-laxido/
- https://surgery1.webnode.co.uk/telephone-overload/ same as 5 for some reason
- https://surgery1.webnode.co.uk/phone-backup/
- https://surgery1.webnode.co.uk/alibi-society/ at the foot of 4 and 5
- https://surgery1.webnode.co.uk/xmas-2020/ sent to partner's son-in-law
- https://surgery1.webnode.co.uk/original-home-page/ updated early on 04 May
Items above [not 1 & 8] wait for the opportune moment.
4 May
Help starts with a phone call at 1100 tomorrow, thank you.
4 hours after posting this [now 0930] realised it's today. Memory fading fast.
Item 8 is a starting point perhaps.
You can see that website addiction is a big part of the problem.
A further dozen sites not shown.
Thank you.