Update 7 May. Mr F telephoned here. See 11.  See Updates 7 May

Citalopram lead-up

29 April 2021

Message to surgery

  1. When I ordered Citalopram several days ago nothing came. I phoned the Charlbury chemist who said no prescription had been received. I then tried again online but the message was GP has cancelled the order. Please see what I said about going off the rails elsewhere.

  2. In a recent telephone conversation with my GP she said that treatment for autism is virtually unavailable. I said I know the situation having served on the local  Autism Partnership Board  for several years before coming to this area three years ago.

  3. I have been taking Citalopram for several years and it is the only "treatment" offered by the NHS.

  4. Had a message asking me to contact the Chief Pharmacist. I avoid conversations like the plague and phoning is a nightmare. I often feel fobbed off.   He can post me a letter or send an email.

  5. My GP is about to call me following an xray. 

  6. She knows about the autism situation. I am not prepared to wait until then before Citalopram is back on my list so deal with it immediately please. Weekend is imminent and it will be over a week since I last took Citalopram.  Update 7 May.  Mr F telephoned here.

  7. This message won't go until I tick the " I confirm that my enquiry is not urgent," box but, obviously, it is urgent.
  8. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. Within a very short time, the message was uncancelled.  More here


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