This page is redundant from 12 May

Citalopram - the immediate future

Update on 7 May at 1.8 & 3.2

Update  4 May

1  What's happening?

2 The immediate future.  Action and answer question please. 

3 Please do not


Another tug of war - item 5

1   What's happening? 

Before these arrived I was supplied with 20 mg tablets, 28 per box and taking one a day.

I thought I have a 14 day supply ie 2/24 = 20mg/24

You say this if I reorder:

Citalopram 10mg tablets

  1. Last issued: 29 Apr 2021
  2. Quantity: 28 tablet
  3. Duration: 28 days
  4. Next issue: 28 May 2021  
  5. One To Be Taken Each Day 
  6. Item 5 is worrying.  You think I have 28 days supply.
  7. Item 6 is ridiculous.  I have been given 20mg/24 for years.
  8. Update 7 May - GP lowered the dose due to conflict between Omeprazole and Citalpram

What is going on, I ask?  Answer in 2.3?


2  The immediate future

  1. NB - I now take 40mg/24  Citalopram.
  2. Levels of anxiety have risen remarkably due to needing to create this website.
  3. As pharmacists seem to hold prescription-writing power I now require enough 20mg tablets to last a month please .  Not 40mg tablets.
  4. Also please send one box of 10mg tablets for ease of occasional adjustment.  A certain family shrieks its head off when visiting. 
  5. Dear GP - Is it safe taking 40mg/24 Citalopram and 3 x 20mg /24 North Star Omeprazole?

3   Please do not

  1. Please do not ask me to phone for a telephone appointment. 
  2. I avoid conversations like the plague and phoning is a nightmare. I often feel fobbed off.  The Chief Pharmacist can post me a letter or send an email.  UPDATE 
  3. Said for the second time.  See item 7 here.
  4. A third time on the Contact page just to make sure.


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