
1    Cheers!

  1. My poetess partner and I drank Champagne at lunchtime 14 May, due to this.
  2. She is a worrier and takes anxiety pills every day.  Patient confidentiality prevails.
  3. Appointment 19 May. draft

2   Making progress?

  1. Will the surgery announce soon that patients can again turn up without appointment before 1000 (1030?) ?
  2. Will it make any change and announce it?

3   Making progress

     No question-mark.

  1.  If the Talking Spaces cavalry is due to arrive, I should be taking action to show willing to change.
  2. While it's not a full volte face, it's a step in the right direction.
  3. Recent plans included:
  4.      Posting text based on The Telegraph to the local community website.
  5.      Ditto to the surgery local community website/newspaper.
  6.      Adding more pages to this website urging the surgery to proceed with 3.4.


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