BMA 10 May   - hidden page


On May 10, 2021 at 9:29 AM, Alan Harrison <> wrote:

Dear Dr Satodia         [ no decimals in the email ]
  1. In the light of ever-increasing Covid freedom it is a constant concern that CNHC does not offer GP face-to-face appointments on line
  2. Patients need to telephone within the 0830 scrum on Mondays especially and every other day. 
  3.  They wait seemingly for 15 minutes before they are informed that they are 15th, even 20th, in the queue. As you will fully appreciate, many give up.

  4. That has happened to me more than several times before I gave up. I am forced to ring on Wednesday at 0830 like it or not.

  5. I have written repeatedly to ask that they improve the system to no effect.
  7. The Telegraph newspaper has included many letters on the subject and an article on "The GP Scandal."

  8. They are to be found on a website of my making. It is directed at CHNC. In the event that other people find it, it is completely anonymous.

  9. I look to the BMA to bring an end to the many surgeries which operate as CHNC and I trust that you will be the first so to do. 

With best wishes



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