Page under construction and for my reference.  Five years of unpaid dementia care to my late wife ensured I was knowledgeable about  dementia meeting centres here.  I created one in my former home town in 2017.



  1. The NHS Long Term plan published in early 2019, said there should be a clearer focus on the needs of autistic people and their families. 
  2. As a result, the NHS England and Improvement National Autism Team was established in June 2020 to champion the needs and aspirations of autistic children, young people and adults, and [...]
  3. The NHS Long Term plan published in early 2019, said there should be a clearer focus on the needs of autistic people and their families. 
  4. As a result, the NHS England and Improvement National Autism Team was established in June 2020 to champion the needs and aspirations of autistic children, young people and adults, and to oversee autism related commitments as set out in the NHS Long Term Plan. [link added]  more

Web page  

It is probable that most GPs inform patients that there is no provision for adults in their county.  


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