Appointment - May 19

Post hoc 19 May 

 Thank you for all good advice.

Updates in bold text

  1. This onslaught website was started and continued within the 20mg/24 regimen.  What else?
  2. Now that I retake 20mg Citalopram daily, what is its future regarding Omeprazole?
  3. Omeprazole has proved the greatest success after trying many related pills.
  4. You will recall that my daughter has said "Citalopram has been transformative when my father takes it regularly and at 20mg per day."  GP to phone her.
  5. I take 3 x 20mg gastro-resistant capsules before bed.  Is the ratio per Citalopram safe? Max 2
  6. Re Pain in both knees, and back pain, please advise.  Physio
  7. How much bearing does my latest weight - 12 st 7 have? None When you telephoned in December, I weighed 11 st. 
  8. When such pains are too much, does Neurofen affect the item 1 situation? Forgot to ask.
  9. Talking Spaces has not replied after ten days waiting.  I don't propose asking why. MH team referral 
  10. Only offers CBT which I had five years ago.


Email in on 18 May from daughter             GP to phone her.

Tell her there's nothing to be found on internet (your daughter looked) so what exactly does she think is the problem and can she show you? You really can't afford to give up Cit.

Sertraline did not have the same effect when you tried that,  Mirtazipine is too sleepy-making and Prozac would stop you sleeping and would make you extremely stressed - plus you're not depressed, which Prozac sorts out. Don't agree to have Cit changed is what I'm saying.

Dear GP                             12 May


This section partly records what I said when you telephoned me today.  Thank you.

  1. Ideally a pharmacist will have seen a link when I ordered medication online and sent it to you.  
  2. PoA letter  
  3. When last you telephoned in December and when I had hoped to see you, I agreed to physio for my left knee.
  4. There were other topics I had to discuss at the time.
  5. The right knee is also in need of attention.
  6. During the winter of 2019 I fell twice onto both shoulders but separately.
  7. Both are still PL 8 or so at times.
  8. My back remains PL 8 or more very often.  There is no neck pain.
  9. Knees and back conspire against rising from a chair.  The sofa and getting out of the car much worse.
  10. There is no question of angling for a disability badge.  I can walk round the block.
  11. When I see you, I hope to explain, even demonstrate the exercises done 25mins/24.
  12. Using a device which I will bring, you will see that the prospect of continued leg strengthening is VG.  18 May - physio yet to hear from
  13. Which brings us to physio.  I hope that your telephone comment in December re steroids still holds.


  1. "He therefore prescribed Citalopram, which has been transformative when my father takes it regularly and at 20mg per day."  Item 3 here.
  2. 14 May - the new prescription arrived today , thank you.


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